Instructor Biography

John Monaghan (retired)


Chief John Monaghan (retired) began his career in law enforcement in 1999 as a patrol officer in Lebanon, New Hampshire. Chief Monaghan then served as a trooper for the New Hampshire State Police for more than a decade. From 2012 to 2018, he served as the chief of police in Franconia, New Hampshire. In 2020, he retired as the chief of police in Moultonborough, New Hampshire. Chief Monaghan served as a lead facilitator for the New Hampshire Endowment for Health’s racial equity series working on issues of criminal justice reform. After retiring from the law enforcement profession, Chief Monaghan began consulting at a racial equity firm, where he facilitated focus groups and educational workshops specializing in diversity, equity, and inclusion and their intersection with resilience and organizational development. Chief Monaghan regularly instructs on the topics of wellness, social justice, and police-community relations. He currently serves as a law enforcement consultant for the Center for Policing Equity. Chief Monaghan earned a master’s degree from Antioch University in leadership and management and an undergraduate degree in resource management from Sterling College. 

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