Instructor Biography
Floyd Wiley (retired)

Lieutenant Floyd Wiley (retired) is a senior research associate with the Institute for Intergovernmental Research. He serves as program lead for the VALOR Officer Safety and Wellness Program. Lieutenant Wiley began his law enforcement career in 1993, serving with the New Castle County, Delaware, Police Department until his retirement at the rank of lieutenant in 2013. He was promoted to patrol supervisor and later went on to serve as a patrol platoon commander, a police academy commander, and a tactical commander. From 2008 to 2013, he was assigned to the U.S. Secret Service as a law enforcement counterpart in the roles of protective intelligence, close protection, and counterassault for the President, the Vice President, and other United States dignitaries. Lieutenant Wiley was an overseas contractor with the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Diplomatic Security’s Office of Antiterrorism Assistance. He is a veteran of the U.S. Army Airborne. Lieutenant Wiley studied criminal justice at the University of Delaware and is a graduate of the Administrative Officers Course at the Southern Police Institute at the University of Louisville. He is also a graduate of the West Point Leadership and Command Program and the Penn State Justice and Safety Institute’s High-Impact Supervision training program.
Explore More Training
Line Officers
Gain a deeper understanding of risk factors • Recognize warning signs in yourself and others • Explore strategies to promote wellness, mitigate stress, and treat unresolved issues
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14 In-Person Training3 Virtual Training
Set the example • Get engaged • Bridge the gap between your officers and available resources
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13 In-Person Training3 Virtual Training
Engage with other concerned law enforcement leaders in your area • Explore the full spectrum of potential organizational solutions • Consider ways to overcome barriers to help-seeking
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13 In-Person Training2 Hybrid Training
Explore the latest research in suicide risk factors and solutions • Learn techniques to educate and train your agency • Assist with program implementation
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14 In-Person Training3 Hybrid Training
Online Training
Learn more about the root causes of suicide • Discuss the issues facing law enforcement in an informal environment • Interact and engage with fellow first responders, law enforcement staff members, and clinicians
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